I'm addicted to design blogs like the ones linked on the sidebar, but I have an unpleasant double reaction to most of their posts: "Oh, gorgeous!" quickly followed by, "Oh my god, it costs WHAT!?"
I love beautiful, interesting, well designed objects--but I want to be able to afford them, and I don't think I'm asking too much.
A few months ago, all my favorite blogs posted about a certain pair of gorgeous gold earrings. They were lovely, bold but delicate, and you could wear them anywhere. But they were $240!!! For a pair of earrings! They can't be serious!
Sure, they were gold--but they also came in silver for the same price! Gold is, obviously, far more expensive than sterling silver, and it's only reasonable that companies pass on that savings in materials in the cost of the final product. I can't see where this flat pricing for both metals means anything other than THIS IS A HUGE RIP-OFF, which diminishes my joy in the design. I can't properly enjoy my gorgeous new earrings if in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Boy, the people who bought the silver ones sure got screwed."
(That's as if I were willing to pay over two hundred bucks for a pair of earrings in the first place, which I am absolutely not. Unless maybe they had spy cameras in them or something, because that would be awesome.)
So, here's what I am looking for, and what I'll be posting in this blog--clever, functional, attractive items sold for reasonable prices. They're out there, but so far I haven't found a blog featuring them--so here I am, and there's my mission statement--certifiably awesome stuff that won't break the bank.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Twig Jewelry Stand by Roost

I got this for myself last year after lusting after it for six months, and I love it. It's adorable and it displays my collection of long dangly earrings gorgeously. The middle rung is detachable, which makes it good for storing rings or bangle bracelets. I was a little worried that it might be rickety, but it's quite solid and stands up well on any flat surface. It comes in three sizes and two colors (dark bronze and silver) for $32, $40, or $50 from The Well Dressed Home.
I have my eye on other fantastic jewelry stands from Flourish Jewelry at Etsy or Urban Outfitters, but unfortunately I don't have that much jewelry!
Squirrel Dust Pan Set

I want one of these so badly. But what am I waiting for? Honestly, a decent set of small broom + dustpan from Tarjay won't cost much less than this, and it'll make me feel better about it when I have to clean up broken things. Watch me rationalize! $22 at Patina.

I've been using mine at work for about two years, and people are constantly asking me where I got it. Now you know!
Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm

I have a million of these. There's one in my purse, office, car, jacket pocket, and by my bed. It's absolutely the best of the billion kinds of lip balm I have tried so far, and against my better instincts I have tried lip balms costing over fifteen bucks. This one costs around $3 (sometimes goes on sale at drugstore.com) at drugstores (and Borders Bookstores) , which is yet another reason I am devoted to it.
It's tingly, long-lasting, not waxy, and extremely moisturizing. Some folks don't like the intense peppermintiness, and some might have allergy or moral issues (contains lanolin and, as you would expect, beeswax). I practically worship it. Other Burt's Bees products are hit and miss for me, but this one has been my constant companion since I discovered it a decade ago.
+ No messy pot (does come in a pot version if you like that sort of thing)
+ Honey (I don't care for this one, too perfumey) and Pomegranate (yum!) flavor options, also versions with color and/or shimmer, and natural sunblock (just the Lifeguard's Choice one)
+ Smells way better than Carmex
+ Isn't habit-forming like some other brands (Softlips, I am looking at you)
+ Tube contains 50% post-industrial recycled plastic
+ Generally doesn't damage anything if it goes through the washer and dryer (I, er, launder them rather often...)
Greetings! I love design and style blogs, but I'm tired about reading about really cool stuff that only the Hiltons can afford. So I've started this blog, where you'll find certifiably awesome stuff that mere mortals can afford without taking out a loan.
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